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In the Testing Phase: PlastiTrax® Priority Kit

| Priority Polymers | 

We are currently developing a Priority Kit that includes fragments of all priority polymers such as PP, PE, PMMA, PC, PET, PS, PVC, and PU (PTFE and PA are expected to be excluded). The kit will contain three tablets, each representing all the listed polymers. Each tablet will include approximately 150 particles. Additionally, detailed information on the exact particle count per polymer will be provided for each tablet.

The tablets will be available in two size fractions: 25–50 µm and larger than 50 µm, allowing for flexible use across various analytical requirements. This Starter Kit offers a practical and comprehensive solution for microplastic analyses.

PlastiTrax tablet

The Priority Kit is designed to be as user-friendly as possible. You will receive the tablets along with detailed information on the particle count. These tablets can be easily dissolved in filtered water, allowing the workflow to proceed directly and the recovery to be evaluated. This provides you with an efficient and cost-effective solution for your analyses.

You want to be the first to test the Priority Kit?

Feel free to contact us!



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